Business Office

Pay My Tuition

Pay conveniently online with a credit, debit card or check through your ACES student account.

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The Business Offices are open during regular business hours. Please visit the Business Office if you want to pay with cash, money order, or certified check.

envelope icon

Money orders and certified checks are accepted when sent to your Campus Business Office via U.S. mail.


Pay Online/Virtual Business Office

The Business Office takes a proactive approach as a team member of Alamo Colleges District in supporting student services, providing an effective and efficient financial system of charges, refunding and depository of cash.

The Virtual Business Office is an online hub where you or your authorized user can pay for your college-related products, services, tuition, and fees. The VBO has made the installment plan and electronic refunds available to access online.

Access the Virtual Business Office

Check out the complete host of items at Alamo College's Marketplace Mall that you can access and pay online! It is convenient and secure!

Credit Card Acceptance Policy

Connect with the Business Office

By Phone

21ALAMO (210-212-5266)


By Email


Business Office Mailing Addresses:

My Tuition Payment Plan

illustration of woman working on a computer
Make college more affordable by paying for tuition and fees over time.
Tuition payment plans break down your tuition balance into affordable payments. There is no interest and payment options are flexible.
  • Payments will automatically be deducted from the bank account authorized during sign-up on the dates indicated on the payment schedule.

  • A $10 Late Fee will be assessed if the payment is declined.

  • Accounts not paid by the final due date are subject to be sent to one of the Alamo Colleges District Collection Agencies, and you are responsible for any additional fees assessed.

  • Payment deadlines vary based on when you registered and your chosen plan. You choose a plan based on your registration enrollment or when your classes are offered.

Here is a great way to budget your college tuition-Academic and Continuing Education Payment Plans.

Log in to ACES and complete the following to set up:

  • Select the Student Tab on the left navigation
  • Select Web Services on the Student page
  • In Web Services, select the Student Tab then Student Account
  • Select Make a Payment
  • Select Virtual Business Office
  • Select Enroll in Payment Plan, then select Payment Plan, then select Term
  • Hit Continue and Display Schedule
  • Hit Continue
  • Click Select a Payment Method
  • Select Agree to Terms
  • Select Print Agreement
  • Select Continue to Finalize

Continuing Education Payment Plans

Enrollment in a plan must be made before the first day of class.  Plans are available to students with a minimum of $440.00 in eligible charges. 

Payment Date   
Payment Amount
 4-7 weeks
Down payment date of enrollment/plan 50% + admin fee
Final payment 1st month after enrollment 50%
8-12 weeks 
Down payment date of enrollment/plan 50% + admin fee
1st  payment 1st month after enrollment 25%
2nd payment 2nd month after enrollment 25%
9 months-1 year 
Down payment date of enrollment/plan 25% + admin fee
1st  payment 2nd week of class 25%
2nd  payment 4th week of class 25%
3rd payment 6th week of class 25%
Alternative Teacher Certification/Over$1000/13-16 weeks
Down payment date of enrollment/plan 25% + admin fee
1st  payment 1st month after enrollment 25%
2nd  payment 3rd month after enrollment 25%
3rd payment 4th month after enrollment 25%